It is better to say hello than goodbye. Is it similar in dreams? What does a dream in which parting with a husband, wife, friend or family member mean?
Detailed meaning:
- Parting with a friend or acquaintance in a dream signals that your relationship has recently worsened. Even if time does not allow frequent meetings, you need to cherish valuable friendships and acquaintances.
- The dream about parting with enemies is a great prophecy that foretells the end of worries and a successful life.
- Some people believe that the dream about parting with a close person announces one’s death. Fortunately, these are unconfirmed information, so do not panic after such a nightmare. However, the dream about parting may herald the weakening of mutual relations.
- The dream about separation can sometimes be a metaphor announcing the loss of something precious to you, for example, work, car or apartment.
- If you dream that you are divorced, it is a signal that you should devote more time to your family.
- For a woman, the dream about divorce or prating with a partner, subconsciously suggests that she is not satisfied with her partner.
- If you are trying to divorce in a dream, it means that you will be happy in your marriage.
- If you are parting with your beloved one in a dream and you feel relieved, then the dream is a signal to end a stormy phase in your life.
- The dream about parting with parents may suggest that it is high time to put in place new plans, shoulder some greater responsibility.
Parting / divorce for couples:
- Marriages - the dream about a divorce for people who have already had a wedding is often the first sign that the marriage experiences some light crisis. The reasons for this may be many: monotony, quarrels, lack of confidence or passion, failed attempts to have offspring, financial trouble. Therefore, if the dream about the divorce warns you about the fading of your feelings, it is worth to start fighting for each other.
- Fiancés - divorce in a dream can also come to people who are not married yet. How it's possible? This is simply a dream reflecting the concerns about the early legalization of a relationship, especially with regard to trust in a partner and confidence in one's own feelings. It is quite natural that some people have doubts whether they are ready to marry, whether it is true love, and not the habit or pressure of the environment. The dream is a signal to think through all these things before you make one of the most important decisions in your lives.
- Cohabitants - for couples who live together without marriage the dream about the divorce suggests that if you decide to marry, it will be a happy life. The dream can even be considered as a kind of resolution of doubts as to the institution of marriage.