A nice, clean and comfortable bra refers positively to your emotional issues. Underwear emphasizes your satisfaction with partner, satisfaction with sex life and the harmony in the relationship. A dream about a broken bra usually means lack of passion and indicates that it is appropriate time to put a certain stage of your life to an end. Thanks to the quick reaction you will be able to achieve harmony and happiness. Therefore it is necessary to take fate into your own hands, to try something new and stop looking back. Memories are beautiful, but you cannot live and breathe them. Depending on the mood fantasies of the bra may suggest that dreaming woman is looking for comfort and solace, she may even be depressed.
Other meaning:
- If in the dream you can see a new bra it means that soon a new person will appear in your life and you’ll create a successful relationship.
- If a woman dreams of putting a bra on, it is a sign that she experience passionate love. A girl in relation will soon change her marital status.
- An old bra may mean a crisis in the relationship, the consequence of which will be parting.
- A lace bra is a presage that soon you will love somebody to death.
- Buying a bra for someone is an optimistic sign of upcoming cash flow.
- A wet bra reflects satisfaction with sex life.
- Washing the bra is a sign that an ill-disposed person would like to use you.
- Removing the bra means changes for a married woman, flirting is possible.
- The man dreaming of a woman in a bra can hope for attention of the person he shows affection for.
- A dream in which a woman is not wearing a bra can reflect her independence and rejection of authority or imposed resolutions. This fantasy is also identified with the expression of her sexuality.
- The dream of a bra sometimes reflects the maternal instinct and the desire for personal development.
- For a man a dream in which he is wearing or putting on the bra means he will have to check in a typical female role. Other important meaning is that someone would question his manhood.