A dream about a corsage usually refers to sex life and emotional issues.
Detailed meaning:
- A nice bra - honors, prosperity, successful sex life.
- A new corsage - a new acquaintance.
- An old, torn corsage - intrigue, the end of love, lack of passion.
- A dirty bra is a warning against disease, or perverse pastimes.
- If you're washing someone's bra, then you should watch out for false people.
- Trying on a corsage promises the defeat of your enemies.
- Buying a bra suggests you need change.
- A black corsage - mourning, sorrows, problems in the erotic sphere.
- An undone bra - watch out for temptations, the moment of forgetfulness can cost you a lot.
- If you are not wearing a bra, the dream can be interpreted as a lack of control over your own life, or a lewd behavior. Sometimes the fantasy in which you are naked reflects the need for greater openness or independence.
- A lace bra - hot feeling, whirlwind romance.
- For men, a dream about a brassiere is most often associated with erotic fantasies, especially when the bra is worn by an attractive woman. However, if a man tries or wears a bra in his sleep, it means that he will have to show his mettle in a typically female role.