Dream dictionary
Dream Dictionary
Dreams beginning with the letter P - page 2
Pregnancy test
A dream about a pregnancy test means that you subconsciously verify your life situation or your partner's abilities.
When the president is satisfied or congratulates you in your dream, then in real life you will be honored and promoted. On the other hand, if the head of state is aggressive towards you, you should get ready for trouble at work.
If the priest in a dream is happy with you, it means that you follow the conscience, and you can count on the support of loved ones. Angry or sad priest is a warning against immoral behavior.
If you have a nightmare in which you are in prison, it reflects your helplessness or lack of freedom of life.
A dream about marriage proposal bodes marriage trouble, and for the singles it means the lack of success in finding a partner.
A puppy in a dream is a signal that in the most difficult moments you can count on the support and help of a friend.