Vegetables are a source of vitamins, and they have biological and dietary value. Due to the fact that they are a very important component of human food, dreams about them should be treated as a promising omen.
Detailed meaning:
- Fresh vegetables indicate that you can take care of your needs and also enjoy small pleasures. For sick people, eating vegetables may herald the improvement of health.
- Bad, rotten vegetables indicate that you neglect your health, professional responsibilities or relationships with your family.
- Eating vegetables reflects the caution and prudence of the dreamer in real life, thanks to which one often manages to avoid trouble.
- Dreams in which you are collecting vegetables indicate that the effects of your hard work will finally come.
- Large vegetables promise the appearance of an important person in your environment.
- Rotten vegetables symbolize loneliness.
- Green vegetables mean hard work.
- Planting vegetables signals new activities and new opportunities.
Detailed entries for most vegetables can be found in the dream book. At this point, only a brief description is given:
- An onion - onions have healing properties, so the dream about this vegetable can be perceived as a harbinger of a better mood and healing of the soul. In reference to the layers of an onion, the dream often symbolizes a complex and complicated matter.
- Garlic - in folk beliefs, garlic protects against snakes, ghouls and vampires. A dream about him can therefore symbolize protection against the negative influences of other people, for example "vampires" draining your energy.
- A pumpkin symbolizes thoughtlessness and stupidity.
- Beans - due to its magical properties in many fairy tales, it is a symbol of possibilities opening to the dreamer. Like all seeds, it also illustrates effective ideas and new life.
- Cabbage is seen as a vegetable associated with laziness, crassness or even stupidity. The dream is a signal that you should be more ambitious if it comes to your duties.
- Corn - prosperity, rebirth.
- Carrot means encouragement and motivation to act. Its phallic shape and sweet taste are associated with pleasures, good mood and activity.
- A cucumber for a man is a sign of strength, vitality and great possibilities.
- Lettuce - this vegetable is the symbol of abundance and money. Due to its delicate structure, it also means sensitivity and is associated with female energy and fertility.
- A radishes means abundance and prosperity.
- A leek is a symbol of growth. Due to its phallic shape, it also refers to the sexuality and potential of a man.
- Potatoes are the symbol of mundane needs and simplicity. The dream about potatoes may signal the need to escape from everyday monotony or longing for a more colorful life.
- Cucumbers, corn, carrots and asparagus are considered to be symbols related to sex, this is why they can represent the unrestrained drive of a dreaming person.