People who dream about a helicopter, rather, do not regret it. This is a dream showing great potential, opportunities and ambitions. It means achieving a progressively higher level in the professional career and personal life. Therefore dreams, where you see the helicopter, you fly or even control it, promise prosperity. Hard-working people, who are not satisfied with already achieved successes and set new goals, can especially count on it.
The helicopter sometimes can be a warning signal that the dreamer hurries too much and tries to do too many things at once. For hot-headed people such behavior may end up that they’ll fail to bring any matter to a close.
Other meaning of dream:
- The dream, in which you’re running away from the helicopter reflects a condition where you can not realize your plans. It also means lack of life satisfaction. Perhaps the dreamer does what others expect from him, instead of what is giving him happiness.
- A flight on board of the helicopter through a nice, clear sky portends that the dreamer is moving in the right direction. He systematically develops, executes plans and objectives.
- A helicopter crash reflects the unrealistic and unattainable ambitions of the dreamer. This is often a sign for them to stop having the head in the clouds and to come back to earth. The accident may suggest a lack of confidence in their abilities. A smashing helicopter is also associated with the sudden and violent burst of emotions.
- Seeing the helicopter in the sky heralds some good news.
- The dream, in which you pilot a helicopter, promises that you will have to make an important decision.