A volcano is a symbol of a powerful, uncontrollable force that can cause serious damage in your life. The dream about the volcano warns you against suppression of feelings and inability to cope with emotions.
Detailed meaning:
- A volcano eruption spells serious life changes or the release of emotions accumulated / blocked for a long time. It can be both an eruption of anger, regret as well as "hot" feelings and desires.
- Running away from lava illustrates your reluctance to face your feelings and emotions, and the problems that are beginning to overwhelm you.
- If you're watching a volcanic eruption from a distance, it means one of your friends will be in trouble.
- Smoke coming out of volcano warns of trouble.
- Climbing to the top of the volcano heralds misunderstandings with the beloved person. They should be explained as soon as possible to avoid a big row.
- An inactive volcano is a warning against murky business that you will regret for a long time.
- When you walk around an inactive and calm volcano, the dream suggests that you have overcome adversities. The vegetation, for example flowers or trees growing on the slopes of the volcano, add positive meaning to the dream.
- Volcanic activity can also be compared to the burst of passion, which of course should be a positive omen for everyone.