A dream about a veil can refer to different spheres of life - depending on its type. The most common object of dreams is a wedding veil, the meaning of which is associated with love relationships.
- For a single woman, the veil seen in a dream, unfortunately, doesn’t spell finding a partner in the near future. However, when she catches a veil at a wedding, she should hope for the best when it comes to getting to know a valuable man.
- People preparing for wedding should treat a veil seen in a dream as the symbol of a natural fear associated with the organization of the wedding reception. Some dream books indicate that the veil can mean small obstacles when preparing for the wedding.
- For a woman in a realtionship, the dream means that her chosen one will soon propose.
- For a married woman, a veil can mean that she feels bored in her relationship, and subconsciously is looking for new experiences.
- For a woman wearing a veil means that she will engage in a project.
- A torn veil - misunderstanding in the relationship.
- If a person in love throws away a wedding veil, it means the breakup.
- If a man sees a veil at a bride or a fiancée, the dream foretells a fuss with his beloved.
- A destroyed veil - unpleasantness.
- A blue veil - betrayal.
- A black veil - breakup, losses, lack of honesty.
A typical veil means you want to hide a secret, you lack openness, or rarely reveal real thoughts or intentions.
- Wearing a veil symbolizes discretion, withdrawal and loneliness. The dream can come to people who care about keeping something secret.
- A funeral veil - deterioration of business, illness,
- Covering yourself with a veil reflects hidden intentions.
- A person in a veil - watch out for whom you trust.
- A veil thrown to the side promises separation or breakup.