Swimming in a dream is a very symbolic activity, especially when it concerns moving through water on your own. The way you swim, the depth of water and the size of the reservoir indicate important information about the subconscious emotions experienced by the dreamer. The dream about swimming is related to the fetal life, when you are immersed in the amniotic fluid and you feel unity with the mother's body. Swimming can also be a sign of being weary of constant restraining and controlling feelings. It also announces that you will be able to reach an aimed goal.
Detailed meaning:
- When you are getting into the water in your dream, you will experience big changes in your life. They are usually associated with emotions, e.g. a new relationship or motherhood.
- Swimming in the clear water reflects the good psychophysical condition of the body.
- Swimming in dirty and murky water means you will have to deal with difficult obstacles.
- Dirty water heralds unclear situations in life, bad energy, which may result in sudden illness, or loneliness.
- Swimming in rough waters, predicts the need to face many challenges and adversity. If you can easily overcome the rough waves, then you can hope for positive solution of many problems.
- Swimming in shallow water symbolizes the superficial character of the dreamer, as well as lack of ambition, or satisfaction with average achievements.
- Swimming in cold water bodes long life in health.
- Diving and swimming deep under water means that your plans will require increased effort and work. The dream often also points to the need to face your deepest instincts and feelings.
- Swimming upstream means that you have the soul of a rebel and you like to "run against the grain”.
- Quick swimming means instant achievement of goals.
- Swimming naked means gaining popularity in some new company or tightening relationships with a friend.
- If you dream that you can swim like a fish and it makes you happy, then your future will be extremely bright and you can expect to fulfill even the most hidden dreams.
- If you dream that you have problems swimming, it is a sign that you will feel unhappy in the near future.
- The dream about drowning means that you have no control over emotions, and you do not believe in yourself.
- If you are dreaming about drowning, but you have managed to survive, it means you will gain wealth and honor.
- Watching others drowning and the desire to save them means you will help a friend in their pursuit of high positions, and you will achieve deserved success.
- Swimming in the company of other people is a signal that you may need help from friends.
- Dreaming about swimming with the opposite sex means suppressed sexual fantasies, but also getting close to another person, or sex.
- Swimming in the company of dolphins means an easy and problem-free future.
- If in your dream about swimming you are being attacked by dangerous animals, such as sharks, you can expect dangers.
- If you are fighting another man while swimming, you can be sure that you will be able to liberate yourself from the trap set on you.
- If you dream that you are swimming in the river, it is a harbinger of prosperity.
- Swimming in the lake means you will have trouble coping with the obstacles you face.
- Swimming in the pool is related to limitations, sometimes even the frustration you experience due to lack of freedom.
- If you dream that you are swimming in an aquarium, you should be prepared for material losses.
- Swimming across a strait foretells incredible stamina and courage. You will soon be able to deal with any problem and will have a free path to the goal you want to achieve.
- Getting out of water to a dry land symbolizes the transition from the area of needs, dreams and feelings to the reality.