The ladder is an object that the dream may symbolize climbing up for honors, or the fall of a man; delving into the darkest recesses of personality.
The ladder makes it easier to climb some height. It is often used by painters, electricians and firefighters. Dreams in which you climb up a ladder or sit at the top of it are positive, because it means progress, achieving some goals or a promotion on the social ladder. While the nightmares, in which the ladder is broken, or you fall of it, are negative and suggest that you need help with solving some problems.
Other meanings:
- If you climb a ladder freely it reflects the development and progress. It’s regarding a higher level of awareness, promotion at work or the passing of an exam.
- When in the fantasy you are standing on top of the ladder, it announces a period of prosperity in many areas of your life. You’ll look down your nose at other people.
- Descending the ladder symbolizes walking away from the target; regression in life.
- A fall from the ladder announces personal or professional failure of the dreamer; loss of authority.
- Descending the ladder to the basement, sewer or well is a reflection of the subconscious parts of your personality.
- Seeing the ladder lying or leaned against a tree/building tells the dreamer, not to miss his chance in life. When you lean the ladder by yourself, it is a sign that you have some mysterious intentions.
- Carrying the ladder is a positive symptom. You can handle on our own with the difficult task or help someone. But when you see a man carrying a ladder, it means that someone will want to prevent your success.
- Ladder leaning against the window is a warning to beware of thieves and crooks.
- It is said that walking under a ladder in a dream brings bad luck.
- Shaky or broken ladder foreshadows the abandoning of current plans, as they are very unstable and can bring trouble. The dreamer should be aware that climbing on such an unstable structure is very risky.
- When in a dream you see the ladder leaning against the window and then it falls over, this is an optimistic sign that you will get round an unpleasant event.
- The ladder reaching the sky is a symbol that everything is going according to plan.
- A jack ladder suggests that you will do some difficult task.
- A rescue ladder suggests that someone will help you in a difficult moment.
- Seeing a fire engine with a ladder is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and well-being. If, however, it lacks the basic equipment, or the ladder, it means the opposite omen - poverty and misery.
- When you have a nightmare in which you run away from prison or captivity by the ladder, this is a good forecast, that you are able to get out of a difficult situation and achieve success.
- If in a dream someone is holding a ladder for you this is a message that only with the help of others and work with them you can achieve the desired goal.