A dream about a knot can have several explanations. In a positive sense, tightly tied knots are the symbol of connection, durability - they can refer to relationships with family or the environment. In a negative context, the nodes symbolize addiction to some toxic situation, or a difficult problem to solve.
Detailed meaning:
- The knot that connects two people symbolizes mutual attachment, loyalty and love. Sometimes this motif has a negative meaning and may appear in moments of doubt, for example, for honeymooners or people who suffer from the lack of freedom in a relationship.
- Untying the node means that you will find a solution to some troublesome problem.
- If you dream about the fact that you have freed yourself from knots, you will soon regain a greater living space.
- Cutting a knot means reaching the goal quickly.
- A knot you cannot untie means a difficult problem.
- A dream in which you tie a knot reflects your foresight, the tendency to worry too much.
- A tie with a knot at the neck is an allusion to the inability to express your true thoughts and emotions.