Glass appearing in a dream is often associated with your relationship with another person, or life situations. It can be the symbol of some changes that will soon take place. Due to the different types of glass, e.g. transparent, colored or broken, there are several interpretations of the dream.
Detailed meaning:
- A dream in which transparent glass appears means that all problems related to both lack of financial resources and quarrels with other people will end. It will be a very happy and fruitful period in your life.
- Colored glass also has a positive meaning. It informs you that good times will come. You can expect a raise or change to a better job. Single people will meet someone with whom they will create a good, loving relationship.
- A dream of broken glass warns against conflict or an argument. You should avoid situations in which you will be exposed to unnecessary disputes.
- A dream about eating glass signals a problem in communicating with people. Perhaps you need to focus more on the needs of other people.
- A dream about a glass eye concerns extremely sensitive people. It shows that a person who is dreaming will soon help someone to get out of a difficult situation.
- Frosted glass indicates that there is someone around you who tries to prevent the pursuit of goals. Keep your eyes wide open.
- Dirty glass - all plans will be destroyed.
- Looking through the glass announces that peace and harmony will be the part of your life.
- Looking through the glass glasses suggests that you should take a closer look at the different situations, so as not to make rash decisions.
- Magnifying glass augments success in completing all matters. The dream can also suggest that you should get a closer look at the seemingly irrelevant matter.
- If you see someone breaking the window glass, then it announces problems that cannot be avoided.
- Washing the window suggests that you should pay more attention to the behavior of the people around you.
- Glass grinding warns that you spend too much time speculating on a lot, instead of getting to work.
- Buying glass indicates that you are too lavish.
- If you have a valuable glass object in your dream, it is a sign that you will soon get a nice gift.
- Empty glass dishes announce the visit of a disliked guest.
- Drinking from a glass dish, for example wine, augurs success and honors.
- Nightmares about getting wounded with glass reflect difficult relationships with other people or painful events that have occurred in your life.
- If the dream motive is a glass house or a greenhouse, this vision reflects your concern about losing your reputation. You feel watched by others. Perhaps there are people in your neighborhood who are too interested in your affairs.
- Walking on broken glass promises a sad period in your life, full of sacrifice and suffering.
- When in a dream you give someone an object made of glass or glass, it means that you trust that person.