An umbrella protects from rain or sun, this is why also in dreams it has protective properties. Most often the dream about the umbrella means support in some difficult moment of your life, protection against the flood of unwanted feelings and emotions.
Other meaning dream:
- A beautiful colorful umbrella which protects you from the rain, symbolizes strong and positive emotions.
- A bad or riddled umbrella means that someone close will fail your trust. It is possible that in the near future you will shed a lot of tears.
- Finding an umbrella in a dream is a good sign – you will receive support and protection in need. On the other hand, if you have lost the umbrella in a dream, it is a warning against quarrel with a friend.
- An open umbrella in a dream is interpreted in different ways - as a harbinger of bad weather, or the need for greater openness towards others.
- A folded umbrella can signal that you are not using your potential, or that you're too aggressive recently.
- A torn umbrella symbolizes a delusion.
- A broken umbrella suggests that you have too high self-esteem and expectations.
- An umbrella can be the symbol of erection and penetration, what is indicated by the way it opens and expands. For women and men the dream about the closed umbrella can therefore in this context mean the unsuccessful sexual life, the inability to have a sexual intercourse.
- A black umbrella is the harbinger of trouble and bad mood in the coming days. Fortunately, the problem will not be so nagging and you will quickly manage to solve it.
- A white umbrella - platonic love.
- A red umbrella - a hot feeling, passion.
- A silk umbrella according to the old Polish dream book is the harbinger of honors and recognition in your community.
- If you borrow an umbrella, the dream indicates that you will argue with a friend.
- If in the dream you are walking under the umbrella, it may be a suggestion that you should also think about the needs of your loved ones or friends.
- Carrying an umbrella with you in a dream suggests that you act with care and precaution. Sometimes, however, this dream may mean that despite the foresight you will not avoid trouble anyway.
- A sun umbrella in many countries, especially in Africa, is a solar and royal symbol for power, dignity, wealth, and protection. In Europe, where the umbrella is not as popular and necessary, it has a slightly different symbolism – it means shyness, missed opportunities.
You should also check the interpretation of the dream about rain.