Teeth are one of the most popular and at the same time the most sinister dream symbols. Already the ancient Greeks claimed that the dream about falling teeth foretells death. Although many years have passed since then, and these beliefs have been undermined, many people still treat the dream about teeth as a harbinger of serious trouble. Teeth, however, have a much wider symbolism, which is presented below in this dream book.
Healthy teeth
- Vitality, health, ability to cope in life, assertiveness.
- A dream about healthy, white teeth is a positive sign and symbolizes prosperity, success, good health, wealth.
Rotten teeth
- Rotten teeth cause other diseases, so you should take care of them. A dream about holes in teeth is a clear warning against illness, poor body condition or metaphorically against false people and financial problems. In the first case, it is worth visiting a doctor, in the other you should consider who you trust and confide your secrets.
Teeth falling out
- The dream about falling out teeth is considered to be the worst nightmare, not only because of its drama, but also its universal meaning. According to many superstitions, the loss of teeth means the death of someone in the family, illness, separation, or at best financial loss. A dream in which you loose a few teeth intensifies this unfavorable symbolism, indicating that many good people will leave you.
- A nightmare with falling out teeth can also refer to the loss of strength or vitality, old age, libido decreased or trauma.
- If new teeth grow back in the place of falling out ones, the dream means changes, pulling yourself together after serious problems and events. However, when the teeth are still falling out or are brittle or damaged, the dream does not bode well.
- Teeth falling out and blood seen in a dream intensify the misfortune you may experience.
- Milk teeth that are replaced by permanent ones reflect the psychological transformation of the dreamer; readiness to make some important decision.
Toothache in real life is a real nightmare you would not even wish your enemy. Interestingly, the dream about aching teeth in many dream books is translated as a good run of luck in life; you will be respected by people.
Biting / baring teeth
The dream expresses suppressed aggression, anger and violence, so after such a nightmare one should expect stressful situations in their lives.
In some situations, biting expresses an act of love and sensuality.
Brushing teeth
- A dream about brushing teeth reflects the dreamer's arranged life and a reasonable approach to the surrounding reality. The dream can also suggest cleansing the atmosphere in the family. If the teeth are dirty, it announces a difficult period, rumors about the dreaming person; someone will try to undermine the dreamer’s good opinion.