Sex is considered to be the most pleasant dream motif, but in some cases it is quite the opposite. Nightmares in which, for example, you have sex with a person of the same sex or with a parent, is hardly a pleasure. In this dream book the meaning of dreams about sex from the perspective of different partners and situations is presented.
Sex with the partner:
- The symbolism of sex is connected with the combination of opposites, union, and fullness. Sexual intercourse with the current partner proves the harmony and unity in a relationship.
- Sometimes fantasies about sex with your partner reflect current events related to bed issues such as unsatisfied urge or the desire to experiment.
Sex with the ex-partner:
- Â If erotic dreams about a former partner are repeated, then it means longing for that person or for some character trait of one. The dream can also be caused by dissatisfaction with the current partner, or a slight crisis in the relationship.
Sex with same-sex partner:
- The act of love with a person of the same sex is not a sign of repressed tendencies to homosexuality. It simply reflects the closer ties with the person in a dream.
- Other explanation of the dream expresses concern towards people of the same sex, for example from the workplace or the place of residence.
- When a woman dreams of having sex with a girl, it may mean she needs more tenderness and sensitivity from her partner.
Sex with a stranger:
- Dreams about sex with strangers or people with whom you do not maintain contact are explained in the context of anima or animus. The so-called archetypes of psychology in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung attributed respectively to the man and woman. Dreams about an ideal partner often come to lonely people and express the need for closeness, love and security. People who are satisfied with their emotional life should treat such dreams as normal, harmless erotic fantasies, but it would also be wise not to brag about them to your partner.
- The other meaning of a love act with a stranger suggests that your relationship has crept into routine, you need more spontaneity, or you have some erotic adventures on your mind.
Sex with a family member:
- Such dreams sometimes come (e.g. during adolescence), so do not worry too much about them. However, if the nightmares in which you have sex with a family member are repeated regularly, then you should consider this as dissatisfaction with your current relationship with your mother, father or siblings.
- Incest in dreams may sometimes be a suggestion that you should break a taboo, talk on difficult topics to someone.
Sexual rejection:
- The dream is interpreted as the manifestation of fear of rejection, marital crisis, or betrayal. A nightmare often comes to those who have been betrayed or left by a life partner. Such dreams give vent to all repressed emotions such as anger, helplessness, or disbelief.
Other meaning:
- If you are dreaming about an attractive person, you should treat it as an erotic fantasy, unsatisfied desires.
- Sexual contact with the enemy means that the conflict will be resolved. The dream can also express subconscious recognition for your rival.
- Sex with the boss suggests that you are attracted by bossy people, dominating over others.
- If in a dream about sex you are caught, for example, by a parent, child or sibling, it shows your problems with getting the full pleasure out of sex.
- Seeing people having sex promises many unexpected events in the coming days.
- Having sex with a married woman or a married man suggests that in real life you act immorally.
- Oral sex - you need complete acceptance from a loved one. The dream also expresses the need to give and receive.
- Anal sex reflects your submission to someone, or is a metaphor for exaggerated submission in life.
- Sexual harassment in a dream is very negative. When you act as a harasser, it means a sick, unsettled drive. If you are a victim, the nightmare warns against being dominated by another person and trusting one. Nightmares about harassment can be related to feelings of being hurt, guilty conscience, or distorted relationships.
- Brutal sex is an outlet for your frustration, aggression and tension accumulated for some time. For many people it will also be a natural erotic fantasy in which the partner is "wild", decisive and determined.
- Masochistic dreams reflect your tendencies to behave like that, if the dream is repeated from time to time. When a nightmare is a one-off accident, it is linked to stress.
- Sex in a public place, such as a store, elevator or on the street, suggests that you like risk, danger and you do not care about the opinion of others. Sometimes such a fantasy has the opposite meaning and reflects your shyness.
- Chastity belt signals that you should be more reasonable in bed matters, respect yourself more.
- Herpes is the fear connected with the risks of sexual intercourse, the possibility of contracting a venereal disease.
- The dream about an orgy suggests that you are wasting your energy on too many things.
- The dream in which a woman is a prostitute expresses her need for more sexual freedom, and the desire to have sex. Such a dream can also have metaphorical meaning and warns against “selling” her ideals and honor for money.
- Whips, vibrators or other sex toys mean that the fantasy point to the desire to make sex life more diverse. The dream about a triangle has a similar meaning.
- Dreams about masturbation testify to loneliness and unfulfilled desires of the dreamer.
- A condom may refer to wasted potential, or more literally reflect the fear of conception or venereal disease.
Sex symbols
Penis can be symbolized by:
- knife, gun, arrow, cane, sword
- stallion, bull, deer, horse, goat, fish, snake
- column, horn, tower
- pointing finger
- lightning
The vagina can be symbolized by:
- concave dish, cavities, holes
- fruit and vegetables with a spherical shape