A mole is the creature with a well-developed sense of smell and hearing. In the dream it warns against a person who will work against you, give you bad name, gossip and accuse you. In the criminal world the word “mole” is indeed a reference to the informer who unscrupulously sells their accomplices out.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- Seeing a mole that is digging in the ground is a warning against troublemakers. You should keep aloof from the people you know very little.
- The mole sometimes suggests that you are undervalued, and the results of your work are virtually unnoticeable. Perhaps this is due to modesty, so it's sometimes worth to boast about your achievements.
- A dream in which the dreamer has caught the mole is a symbol of victory over his/her enemies or unfavorable people. It may also mean success in some area; the achievement of an objective.
- Killing a mole warns against committing a fateful mistake.
- The mole is an animal that spends most of its life underground in total darkness. This animal can therefore symbolize some force acting without your knowledge.