Horns are the symbol that refers to aggression, power, obstinacy, or authority. In some cultural circles the horns are the attribute of the gods, and shamans wear them to obtain supernatural abilities. In Christian culture, however, the horns are associated with Satan and the demons.
Detailed meaning:
- If the dreaming person has horns, the dream reflects his current mood and emotions - aggression, unhealthy excitement, desire to compete, confrontation with the environment.
- Seeing a man with horns in a dream may mean that one will be hostile to you.
- If you see Satan, the dream may reflect the fear of the future, thoughts tormenting your conscience, or guilt. The nightmare in which the demon appears also warns against getting tempted. When you befriend with the devil, it is a warning of people who will want to use you.
- If in your dream you see an animal with horns, then it is an allusion to some features of the creature, which can also be attributed to the dreamer as well.
- Bull - strength, fertility.
- Goat - stubbornness, insistence, tiring person.
- Cow - fertility, motherhood, caring.
- Ram - aggression, stupidity. In Christianity the lambs symbolize faith, innocence.
- Deer - the antlers of this mammal unfortunately most often refers to the betrayal of the partner. In Celtic mythology, however, the deer is considered a guide to people lost in the forest, and therefore may announce some important news. For a woman, a deer with the antlers reflects unrestrained sexual drive.
- Killing animals with horns refers to fighting with the darkest desires.
- Golden horns are the symbol of success, which the dreamer will have to achieve with hard work.
- The horn of Amalthea (cornucopia) is a very promising symbol, which proclaims success and prosperity.
French horn
- If you hear the sound of the horn, the dream announces a favorable event in your life.
- For a woman, a dream in which she’s playing the French horn means she more than a partner wants to legalize the relationship.
- A dream in which you see children playing the horn heralds happy moments in the nearest circle.
- A cracked horn symbolizes misfortune, disease.