A dress is one of the most common symbols appearing in women's dreams. As it is a universal symbol of femininity, the dream usually refers to matters related to feelings, relationships or motherhood. If a gown appears in your dream, try to remember its color and the material it was made of. In each case, it means something completely different.
Detailed meaning:
- If you dream that you are wearing a beautiful, comfortable gown, it promises happiness in love, well-being, and successful fulfillment as a wife or mother.
- A torn or dirty dress seen in a dream is the symbol of emotional problems, negative feelings tolling the soul of a dreaming person. The dream may also refer to the end of a certain stage in life, quarrel, shame and rejection by a person close to you. When you deliberately tear a dress, it means that you are too impulsive and you can not control your anger.
- A dress which is tight or too short in your dreams means lack of freedom of life, problems with expressing your femininity.
- A white dress in the dream of a young woman is the sign of the need for love and can foretell a quick marriage. A woman in a white dress in a young man's dream means that his beloved is completely faithful and devoted to him. For the married, a dream about a white dress means the oncoming prosperity, as well as order in financial matters.
- A dream about a golden gown is a promise of prosperity in the professional sphere and improvement of the financial situation.
- A yellow dress appearing in a woman's dream signals an unexpected gift from a loved one. Wearing it can herald the meeting of a wealthy man. What is more, the yellow dress may also indicate that a false person will appear in your environment. Therefore, you should treat this person with reserve.
- A dream about a red dress refers to passion and announces a favorable time for love, romance and making new friends. A woman who dreams about wearing the red dress wants to attract the attention of the surroundings and attract men's attention.
- A blue dress means the arrival of a platonic feeling that may not develop into a permanent relationship. It announces unfulfilled love, longing and disappointment. The blue dress in a dream also represents emotional raptures that do not have a chance to be fulfilled in real life.
- A green dress means lack of stability in love. A woman who dreams about getting a green dress as a gift can expect betrayal from her beloved one. On the other hand, a man who sees a woman in a green dress may fear that his beloved one tends to be materialistic and disloyal.
- When you are dreaming about a gray dress, it is a sign that you are too modest. If you want to achieve your goals in emotional or professional matters, you should be more vibrant.
- A black dress seen in a dream is a symbol associated with sadness and mourning.
- A satin gown means that soon you will incur a large and unnecessary expense or someone will fail your trust.
- If you dream that you have a wardrobe full of dresses, it means success in financial matters. However, if your clothes are scattered on the floor or they don’t fit into the wardrobe, it means that you are too prodigal.
- If you do not wear a dress in your dream, it means that you are afraid of disgrace.
- When you buy a dress in a dream, it means the arrival of a new stage in your life. Sometimes the fantasy promises you'll treat yourself to a little pleasure.
- An old gown in a dream refers to outdated views on some matter.
- When you’re putting on an expensive dress, it heralds the arrival of long-awaited happiness.
- An evening dress appearing in your dream foretells taking part in the ceremony or formal dinner.
- A dress with a train announces that the next few days you will spend in good company.
- Sewing a dress is a sign that your hard work will pay off in the end and your diligence will be properly rewarded.
- If in your dream you are washing a dress, it is a signal that you subconsciously want to change the opinion of people about you.
- A dream about a burning dress suggests that soon you will become a victim of slander and you will face an indefensible insult.
- If you get a dress as a gift or you are wearing one which belongs to someone else, the dream means you will copy some patterns and behaviors from that person.
- Admiring another girl's gown in a dream signals that you are jealous of something.
- If you dream that you are stealing dresses, it means that you will stop at nothing to achieve your goals. It is a warning for the dreaming woman that by doing so she may lose the trust of her loved ones.
- If a man dreams about wearing a gown, it can have different meanings. It may be the symbol of revealing of the feminine aspects of his personality, such as greater sensitivity or subtlety. Another meaning points to his sexuality being questioned by the people around him.