Feet provide balance, stability and allow free movement. They are a fundamental part of the body for every human being, and in a dream they symbolize walking on the path of life. A dream about feet is a metaphor of your current life situation; reflects your mobility and physical activity.
Detailed meaning:
- Beautiful feet mean health and happiness. According to Sigmund Freud they are a phallic symbol, and therefore attractive and sexy feet have erotic symbolism. Putting on the shoe reflects the sexual act.
- Seeing your own feet means desperation and despair because of other people who dominate you.
- If your foot moves quickly and agilely, the dream means that your plans are long-term and will bring the expected profits.
- Putting your foot in an undiscovered land may suggest that a breakthrough will take place in your life; you will take an important first step on the new road.
- Bare feet have several meanings. Most often, they announce poverty and poor financial situation, so it is worth analyzing all financial movements in the near future. Another explanation for the dream about bare feet is related to freedom, creativity, carefree, and humbleness.
- Kissing feet refers to humbleness, respect, devotion or humiliation. A dream in which you kiss someone's feet means respect for that person, but it can also express submission and humiliation.
- If you wash someone's feet, the dream indicates that someone is using you. It is worth remembering that in ancient times washing someone's feet was a sign of hospitality.
- Feet that are pressed into too tight shoes reflect a mismatch to a situation, limitations, lack of freedom, and pressure.
- Footprints are a kind of signpost that you should follow in someone's footsteps, copy good patterns and attitudes, observe people who are better than you.
- A cut off foot heralds the loss of a loved one.
- A sick, hurt foot in a dream suggests that something prevents you from making the right decisions, achieving goals, self-realization and development. The inability to act usually causes frustration, so patience and looking for new alternatives are recommended.
- A narrow foot suggests that a long and bumpy road awaits you.
- A fat foot - sickness.
- A little foot - scarcity.
- A big foot - happiness, prosperity.
- A distorted foot - bad news.
- Dirty feet warn against the disease.
- If you have been bitten in your foot in your dream, it means that someone in real life is very jealous of something.
- An amputated feet - shame and mockery.
- Swollen feet - sudden changes.
- Hurting feet - a row at home.
- Smelly feet warn against making a mistake, an act for which you will suffer unpleasant consequences.
- If someone is sniffing your feet, it is a sign that your steps and movements are being followed.
- When you smell someone's feet, the dream reflects you’re following in the footsteps of other people. The dream has a good meaning if you copy proven and effective patterns; bad - when you lack creativity and your own life ideas. Footprints seen in a dream have similar meaning.