The door lock is a dream, which should be treated as a warning against the lack of caution. A moment of inattention can cost you a lot - not only when doing physical work or driving a car, but also during a conversation.
Other meaning:
- Opening a lock announces new possibilities, entering a new stage of life or discovering a secret.
- A padlock symbolizes security and certainty, so it can signal that you should keep a secret.
- A well-functioning lock warns against a cheater.
- A broken lock indicates a failure in love.
- A closed door or wardrobe lock foretells trouble.
- Closing the lock suggests that the dreamer wants to keep something secret.
- A lock that cannot be closed pictures anxiety and insecurity of the dreaming person.
- If you can not open the lock, the dream means obstacles or lack of readiness to do something.
- A thief opening a lock warns against the intrusion of negative content into your life.
- If someone is trying to open the lock at the door of your apartment, it is a sign that you will have troublesome guests or someone will intrude on you.
- According to Freud moving the key in the lock is a symbol of the sexual act. Sometimes it can signal an unrestrained sex drive.