For many people, the exam is equivalent to tremendous stress and responsibility, which is why students, high school graduates or people sitting the examination for a driving license should understand the dream as a natural reflection of excitement of the upcoming test. However, it may be interpreted by the inverted key:
- Difficulties in passing the exam spell a positive result.
- Successful exam in dreams can mean that in reality you will not manage to pass it.
Conclusion: in the first case there is no need to panic. However, if you pass the exam in a dream easily, it is better revise one more time.
Dreams about exams for people that don’t have to sit any test have a different meaning . An exam is a reference to your life, to different situations in which you need to prove your worth. This may be a new job, a debut in the role of a father or a mother or the need to solve a conflict. In this case, the interpretation of the dream depends only on the well-being of the dreamer. If you feel confident, you believe in your abilities, then the exam should be treated as a willingness to pick up the gauntlet. An exam must then be perceived as a positive sign concerning the trials of life which lets you move forward. When the dreamer has a different feeling, the dream is a symbol of the fear of the need to assess your skills and being evaluated by other people.
Other meaning:
- Conducting the test is equivalent to the introduction of an important project in life. The dream can also mean that you’ll do someone a favor. For teachers, coaches or other examiners the dream is probably a natural reflection of their work.
- Sitting the exam announces successful career, a bonus or even a promotion at work. If your knowledge is assessed at the highest grade, it’s a very optimistic prediction, which says that you will have some luck in many areas.
- Cheating at the exam suggests that the dreamer is counting on an easy profit or success. Waiting for help from the other is good only in the short term. In the long term it will bring miserable effects.
- Written test means that the dreamer unnecessarily worries about some issues, many of which are exaggerated.
- Oral examination in a dream is an optimistic sign that soon you will have a lot of energy. It is worth to put the energy into good use.