A cobweb for obvious reasons causes anxiety. Spiders mercilessly catch their prey in it. A dream about a spider's web is almost always a disturbing symbol, although even in such a dream you can find some positive aspects.
If the dreamer is not afraid of spiders, the cobweb should not be a bad symbol for him. It can, for example, refer to creative work, creativity, or excellent organization. This is suggested by the properties of the web, which is the true masterpiece – it is flexible, does not dissolve in water, can increase its length by 40% without breaking and has the highest strength among the natural fibers.
Unfortunately spiders are unlikely to arouse sympathy and recognition. Therefore a cobweb, into which these creatures lure their victims, reflects the complicated relationships or difficult problems. The dreamer is in trouble and probably they will have difficulties with solving the problems.
Detailed meaning of the dream:
- A nightmare, in which you fell into a spider's web, and you can not get out, reflects chaos and the lack of control over your life.
- Seeing a cobweb can be a symbol of a fragile relationship with someone close, so try to cherish this friendship.
- The web is a warning not to get into trouble, complicated affairs and relationships.
- If the dreamer is entangled in the cobweb, it suggests that he/she is the subject of gossip.
- Removing the cobweb off the wall means you will manage to defeat your enemies, solve your problem.
- Breaking the cobweb is a warning signal against the loss of a friend, or breaking a relationship which you care about.
- A dream, in which you are suspended above the ground entangled in the cobweb, reflects your outstanding potential.
- When in a dream you see spider eggs in the web, it suggests you are not using your full potential.
- A spider, which wraps its prey in the web, reflects your uncertainty about the partner.
- Flies symbolize the intrusive and malicious people, which is why a dream in which you see a fly caught in a spider's web can mean you will break free from tiring people.