A cap as a headdress is associated to the psychological-spiritual area of a man, his views and ideas. In the iconography hats often reflect high social status or wisdom, so it needs to be seen as a promising motive of a dream.
- If you dream about a new cap it may mean that there will be some surprising (positive) changes in your life. Old and battered cap indicates you should initiate some actions.
- The dream about the cap sometimes reflects the mood of the dreamer. The cap’s colour is associated with your current well-being. Red means that there is a person who has impure intentions. White points to the inner balance, while the black to dark thoughts. The blue cap may in turn indicate that there are friendly people beside you. A green cap is identified with spiritual forces.
- cap symbolizes the rejection of some of the unwanted information from getting into the consciousness. It reflects the concealment of his own personality; his own "I" and is an expression of the fact that the dreamer suffers emotional coldness.
Other meaning:
- A beautiful, becoming cap heralds success and privileged position in a situation.
- The old cap is a sign that soon someone will appreciate your hard and long-term work.
- Removing the cap says that soon your secrets may be discovered.
- If in a dream you get a cap it proclaims that in the near future we will meet friends / acquaintances.
- When you give someone a cap it is a sign that you will get favorable opinions about yourself and get respect from other people.
- If you lose a cap in the dream, it means that your friends will turn away from you.
- A sailor’s hat means the upcoming trip.
- Police hat indicates problems in relationships with other people.
- Changing the cap in a dream symbolizes the change of opinions and views on certain issues.
- If someone is trying on your cap in a dream, the dream suggests that this person is dishonest to you.
- If a person is trying to remove the cap from your head, then the dream is a warning that someone would like to steal your ideas.
- Unfashionable hat means that you are attached to one opinion; you cannot change your views, even if they are wrong.
- Magic hat indicates a high knowledge of the dreaming person.
- Academic hat indicates the dreamer that he should take advantage of his potential and acquired knowledge.
- In ancient times Phrygian cap was considered a symbol of freedom, because the dream may suggest that you should be free from any addiction or negative views.